What’s Your Generational IQ?
I’ve long argued that in terms of overall intelligence, individuals in the recruiting and talent acquisition domain make up one of the smartest subsets of professionals in the broader business arena. Now, I’m not necessarily talking about innate logical intelligence, which typically is associated with abilities relative to mathematics or
You, Me, and the Brexit Make Three!
Well, well, well – what interesting times we live in, right? We now find ourselves in the initial aftermath of the United Kingdom’s referendum decision to exit the European Union. The “Brexit,” as the event has been appropriately nicknamed, seemingly flies in the face of conventional wisdom, and comes as
Working With Difficult Hiring Managers: Key Strategies For Today’s Recruiter Part II
In Part I of “Working With Difficult Hiring Managers, Key Strategies for Today’s Recruiter,” I outlined the challenges recruiters face in supporting challenging and/or abrasive hiring authorities. I also highlighted the importance of regularly and proactively communicating with these individuals as a means of managing expectations and creating an overall
Working With Difficult Hiring Managers: Key Strategies For Today’s Recruiter Part 1
Working With Difficult Hiring Managers: Key Strategies For Today’s Recruiters – Part 1 Fact: some hiring managers are fundamentally more difficult to support and work with than other hiring managers. You know what I’m talking about. Unlike their more mainstream peers, difficult hiring managers can adversely impact key aspects of
Are You an “Implicitly Biased” Recruiter?
If you have worked with me previously, you’ll likely recall my penchant for talking to anyone in recruitment about the power of “rapid cognition.” I’ve long argued that as much as we are subconsciously interpreting, and processing, and passing judgment on the world around us (to include the mosh-pit of